How can I use
We offer posters, handouts, and checklists designed to remind people of key steps that can make a real impact in your health.
Posters can be placed in your home, your office, places of business. They remind us daily of the important steps not to be missed for greater health.
Handouts can be printed (for free!) and taped up or given to a doctor or a patient, to discuss your health.
Checklists, on our web pages, are updated as the science or health guidelines change.
Why health checklists?
Industries like aviation or construction have used checklists for decades, to ensure nothing gets missed.
Healthcare usually does not use checklists. We miss a lot. Some scientists estimate that medical error is our #3 cause of death.
When you consider how often we omit important steps in care, or how seldom we employ counseling regarding healthy lifestyle, it is clear the problem of medical error could be even greater.
We at review the science behind our most deadly and costly diseases. We bring you the most powerful lessons from that science, the things you are most likely to have missed. helps you achieve your health goals by creating informational posters based on our checklists.
Whereas most health posters that you see are really advertisements, produced by a company or hospital system who wants to sell something, our posters are devoted only to the science, and completely free from advertising.
Our objective: to stay current.
We continuously review our checklists and update them as the science changes. Have feedback or suggestions? Please give it here.
Eye catching, lots of juicy insights!
Post it on a wall that you or your audience will see frequently. Review it periodically, to get inspired and reminded of how to be healthy!
We are a small organization that hopes to help people take control of thier health. Our work would not be possible without your help.